Letter by Cavafy to A. Singopoulo
GR-OF CA SING-S01-F02-SF001-0005 (1406)
22 x 27.5 cm
Handwritten letter by Cavafy to Alekos [Singopoulo] in a bifolio. The poet refers to the correspondence between them, to the stay of Singopoulo in Benha and to his professional education there. He also makes extensive references to the Italian poet Leopardi as well as to their common acquaintances. (Alexandria)
Writing in ink. Watermark: Spartan Bond. Physical item wear: hole.
The transcription and editing of the letters of C. P. Cavafy addressed to Alekos Singopoulo was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.