The following can be used as a brief index of abbreviations and terms that appear in descriptions of digital objects. Below one can find abbreviations and terms pertaining to the documentation of the archival collections and of the Cavafy library.

n.d. = Not Dated. In the field entitled Date(s).

The access points category entitled Literary and other characters lists figures encountered in poems and prose texts by C. P. Cavafy, followed by the attendant abbreviations:

^(H) = Historical character
^(L) = Literary character
^(I) = Invented character
^(M) = Mythological character

“…” = In the field entitled Title, when a title is referenced clearly in the item, the name of the digital object is placed between quotation marks. Example: “Timolaus the Syracusan”

… = In the field entitled Title, when the name of the digital object is not placed between quotation marks, the title is attributed by the archivist and is descriptive of the item. Example: Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy and Untitled Poem

[“…”] = In the field entitled Title, when the first words of text referenced clearly in the item are used as its title, the name of the digital object is placed between brackets and quotation marks. Example: [“The Lanès whom you loved…”]

unknown = The creator(s) of the item is/are unknown. In the field entitled Name of creator(s).

unidentified = The creator(s) of the item cannot be identified. In the field entitled Name of creator(s).

[…] = In the field entitled Name of creator(s), when the creator(s) is/are not referenced clearly in the item but their identity has been identified by the archivist, the creator’s name is placed between brackets.

…, (?)= In the field entitled Name of creator(s) or/and in the access points’ category Persons, when part of the full name (first and last name) of the referenced person cannot be identified it is substituted by a question mark.

>Α… = The field entitled Related works by C. P. Cavafy contains titles of Cavafy’s works (poems, prose texts, articles) followed by the entry number of the attendant works in the C. P. Cavafy Bibliography by D. Daskalopoulos (Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Vivliografia C. P. Cavafy (1886-2000), Centre for the Greek Language, Thessaloniki, 2003). The entry number denotes the first publication of the relevant work by C. P. Cavafy, e.g. “Alexandrian kings”>129.

In the field entitled “Description”, the following abbreviations are used:
p. = page
l. = leaf
s.p. = no pagination (sine pagina)
s.a. = not dated (sine anno)

In the bibliography of each title, the following abbreviations are used:
edit. = editing
transl. = translation
s.n. = no editor (sine nominee)

[…] = In the fields of creators entitled “Author”, “Editor”, “Translator”, “Publisher”, “Former owner” and/or in the access points’ category “Description”, when the name is placed within square brackets, the identity of the creator is not clearly referenced in the item and has been attributed by the literary scholars group in its description.

…, (?) = In the field entitled “Name of creator”, “Former holder” and/or in the access points’ category “Persons”, when part of the full name (first and last name) of the referenced person cannot be identified, it is substituted by a question mark.

<…> = In the full title of each item and in the field entitled “Date”, when the date of publication is not referenced, but is known from other sources or can be identified based on the contents of the book or when a second date is found in the contents of the book.

– […] = In the field entitled “Motto”, when the title of the item is not found. The author of the motto is mentioned within the square brackets.


For the transcription of the handwritten notes found in the contents of the books and the inserts, different colors were used so that the user can easily understand the different categories of handwritten insertions.

In particular, the handwritten notes are marked in the following ways:

•     When the handwritten notes interact with the printed text (e.g. correction, underlining, erasure etc.), they are marked in yellow fonts and the handwritten text in green fonts:

1.        ώ
2.   ΣΑΝ στόματα ὡραῖα νεκρῶν ποῦ δὲν ἐγέρασαν,

•     In the case of erasure or underlining in the printed text, it is marked with yellow fonts and strikethrough or underlining respectively. There is a space between the handwritten corrections and the printed text so that the latter is easily distinguishable:

διηνύσθαι αὐτοῖς καὶ τὸν Μῆδον ἥκειν πάλιν ἱδροῦ ντι

•     When the handwritten notes expand to more than one line, the lines are numbered as per the layout of the handwritten text. When multiple notes are found in various places of the text and the handwritten text is not continuous, the transcriptions of the notes appear separately and not in a single text:

1.     House     ΤΟΥ δὲ Ἰησοῦ γεννηθέντος ἐν Βηθλεὲμ τῆς Ἰου-
2.   of bread   δαίας, ἐν ἡμέραις Ἡρώδου τοῦ βασιλέως, ἰδοὺ, μάγοι

1.     *Old name Ephrath = Heb. Place of the fruit

•     Red fonts are used to denote illegible/vague text:
Assembly of gods

•     Handwritten notes that do not impact the printed text, whether it be marginalia or on a blank page, are transcribed without color and marking:

1. To Alexander P. Cavafy
2. with A. R. Kisba’s best
3. wishes + compliments
4. Port Said 21st December 1899.

•     When the handwritten note does not relate to the text in the item, the latter is not transcribed.