Επιστολή του John Καβάφη προς τον Κ. Π. Καβάφη

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    [Alexandria] 17 September 1882

        My dear little brother,     Your nice letter of the 2nd and mamma’s     of the 6th to hand this morning, after having been en route 11     days owing to some unaccountable delay of the Austrian.     Pray tell mother that I carefully note the contents of     her letter, and that we will take the necessary steps in re.     indemnity at once. Mr. Moss’ lawyer is a certain Semiani     who, in his capacity of advocate at the Tribunals and     English Barrister at law, combines all that can be desired     for the careful attention of the interests of a British subject.     Paul’s salaries I remitted last week and I shall     be glad to hear that the cheque reached you safely.
        Avierino (about whom mamma writes) has been sent “to     blazes” by Mr. Moss, and disappeared into “thin air”.     Debbane and Nacouz are both at present in Syria.     The Crédit Μobilier lottery I always keep in mind and expect     to see the drawings in this week’s Pays Financier. The     numbers of your tickets I have, say: Serie 284 No. 29                                     and Serie 2615 No. 52.     Pray confirm this for my guidance. Also tell mother that,     ― as I have already written her ― the claim for indemnity      must be made in Peter’s name in conformity with the     contract, and subsequent declaration made by him of the     value of the furniture. We will write fuller details after     we have seen the lawyer. Aleko’s letter to Schilizzi I have

  •     delivered and trust that his illness is only a temporary     indisposition ― give him James’ best love and remembrances.     I am well pleased to see you like the “Death of Phocas”;     but, as you know, cannot concur in your preference of “mag-     nificent” to “frugal” ― True, as you say, by contrasting light     and dark colours, a vivid effect is produced ― but this is
        not the main point of the question ― for, I maintain, that     simplicity is expressive of as complete a grandeur as any     gorgeousness. Again, such splendour would be inconsistent     with the manner of thought of the man ― not with the cus-     toms of a Christian of the early ages.     By this time you will have received “By the rivers of Babylon”.     What say you to the metre? ’tis a perilous flight, with     many snares and pitfalls for an unexperienced Pegasus.     “Crabbed age and youth” etc. are lines I know well, and have     always admired ― Perhaps you are not aware that they     are taken from the “Passionate Pilgrim”, a poem of consi-     derable beauty but unfortunately written in a loose, dis-     connected sort of way, that impresses one with a sense
        of incompleteness and aimlessness.     Your genealogical notes are always interesting, and the     genealogical tree, will be gladly received and duly appreciated     by an unworthy descendant of the Imperial House of Ducas,     which however will, in days to be, rise to greater eminence     and renown through the labouring genius of Constantinus.

  •     I say this in earnest ― for I feel confident that the day     will come, when you will reap great advantages from the     lore you have amassed, and use it to your benefit and     fame.     My dear Constantine, for some reasons, business habits are
        admirable and tend to the dispersion of much unnecessary     confusion. I would recommend you in future ― in order     that our correspondence may be complete ― to mention in     your letters the dates of those you have received from me.     By the bye, you never told me whether the Queens reach     you regularly, nor whether grandfather was pleased to receive     my letter. Stivala is always Robertson’s head-man and     I keep goading him continually about your magazines.     I am afraid however that you must give up all hopes of     the July and August numbers ― but September I trust to be     able to send forward this week.     The stench of our streets, ― I referred to some time ago ―
        was produced by the opening and repairing of the sewers     but all that is now over, and the authorities have succeeded     so well in piling up the ruins and gathering all the stones     and rubbish together, that positively the damage done     appears much less now, than when I arrived.     How do I spend my Sundays? Much the same as other     week-days. This for instance is a Sunday. I turned out     of bed at six (since I left Constantinople I have become an early bird)

  •     and sat down at my little table to read the Weekly Times.      At seven I began dressing and left the house at eight for     church, where I remained till about nine and whence I     proceeded to the Office. Work till about noon, when I got     your letters, read them and went to show them to Peter at     the Intendance. Thence together we went to have something
        to eat, and returned home to lie down for an hour or so.     The weather is exceedingly hot. As I write Mrs. Jones’ hall     -clock strikes 2, and although I am arrayed in an airy     dress i.e. drawers and flannel-singlet the sweat comes gushing     through every pore. When I finish this letter I intend to     take a nap till three, then dress and sit down to work at     a poem I have in hand, then go out for a stroll and then     return to my room again to read and think, to think of you     mostly, of you whose voice is ever ringing in my ears,
        and to wonder what the future has in store for us. God     knows the day may be far distant yet when I shall see you     again: ― and so I creep to bed, and the fingers of the     clock move round, and time goes on, and everything repeats     itself.     David Copperfield and Martin Chuzzlewit are yours,     most decidedly yours, and I only wish I had the means to     supply you with more books. Poor boy, you must feel the     want of books sorely, as I do myself.     Mamma’s postscript to your letter is veracity itself.

  •     I scarcely need assure you that I fully appreciate your     communications and carefully preserve them.     The war, as I daresay you know, is now over. General
        Wolseley telegraphs that he was received at Cairo with open     arms and that he does not require any further troops.     Cairo has not shared the fate of Alexandria, and the gas and     water works have been working uninterruptedly. Arabi and     Toulba are held prisoners. The disbandment and disarmament     of the rebels at Kafr-Dawar is still proceeding and is not     expected to be completed till tomorrow, when the surrender     and disarmament of the garrisons at Aboukir and Damietta     will be proceeded with. Abdel-Al still holds out at Damietta     but, as the Egyptian Gazette says, he will soon awake out
        of his dreams to learn that it is a risky game to play     at rebellion. After all the English have been quicker     about it than I expected. Wolseley has kept his promise.     Before leaving London and, whilst explaining to an attentive     audience in the drawing room of Duchess ――― his plan de     campagne, he said that, with the help of God, he would be     in Cairo by the 15th September, and actually on that date     he entered the Egyptian capital. You know, they have had some     hot work at Tel-el-Kebir. They stormed the place     in twenty minutes without firing a shot: the enemy     lost 2,000, the English 200 men, mostly officers of good     families ― Sir Garnet is now residing at Abdeen Palace

  •     and the Khedive has placed the Kasr-el-Noussa palace     at the disposal of the Duke of Connaught.     Now that the war is practically over, several important     arrests are being effected here as well as in Cairo.     Several pashas who wore the mask of hypocrisy are     being discovered, and it is to be hoped they will be dealt     with severely. They are all men who signed a document     the day after the bombardment swearing allegiance     (if I may be allowed the term) to the Prophet’s champion     Araby, and death to the infidel and christian-guided     Khedive. They say they are going to bring Araby here ―     the scoundrel will put a long face on, when he is driven     about in the streets as a rebel, where, if you remember,     three months ago he passed with the bearing of a sovereign!     He will meet his just reward ― as it is, he was never worth     anything ― Fortune led him on, not genius. You remember     the lines in Lear?     “Have more than thou showest,             Speak less than thou knowest,             Lend less than thou owest.” ―     These lines suddenly cross my mind and I put them down not     because they bear any direct reference to Araby, but because     they beset my thoughts and I want to get rid of them.     Lo! I have come to the end of my tether ― Farewell,     dear brother, and give dear love to all     from your faithful     John
Σημάνσεις Μεταγραφών
Σημάνσεις χειρόγραφου κειμένου
διαγραφές με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αφορούν το χειρόγραφο κείμενο:
Σημάνσεις έντυπου κειμένου
διαγραφές με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αφορούν το έντυπο κείμενο:
Χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις σε έντυπο κείμενο
χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις, προσθήκες, συμπληρώσεις με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αλληλεπιδρούν με το έντυπο κείμενο:
πράσινη γραμματοσειρά
Έντυπο κείμενο
έντυπο κείμενο του εκάστοτε τεκμηρίου, το οποίο αλληλεπιδρά με τις χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις:
κίτρινη γραμματοσειρά
Δυσανάγνωστο/ασαφές κείμενο
χειρόγραφο κείμενο με μολύβι ή μελάνι που είναι ασαφές ή δυσανάγνωστο:
κόκκινη γραμματοσειρά



Καταγράφεται ο μοναδικός κωδικός που έχει αποδοθεί στο επίπεδο περιγραφής ώστε να διευκολύνεται η ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών σε διεθνές επίπεδο.
GR-OF CA CA-SF02-S01-SS02-F20-SF001-0003 (378)
Αφορά στην ονομασία της ενότητας περιγραφής.
Επιστολή του John Καβάφη προς τον Κ. Π. Καβάφη
Προσδιορίζεται η χρονολογία δημιουργίας της ενότητας περιγραφής.
Προσδιορίζεται, κάθε φορά, το επίπεδο της ενότητας περιγραφής (αρχείο, υπο-αρχείο, σειρά, υποσειρά,, φάκελος, υποφάκελος, τεκμήριο).
Δίνονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον όγκο της ενότητας περιγραφής. Στις περιπτώσεις περιγραφής τεκμηρίου, δίνονται οι αντίστοιχες διαστάσεις.

27,5 x 22,5 εκ.

Καταγράφεται η προηγούμενη αναφορά αναζήτησης του τεκμηρίου όπως εμφανίζεται στον Ιστορικό Κατάλογο Γ. Π. Σαββίδη.


Αναφέρεται ο συντάκτης ή ο δημιουργός της ενότητας περιγραφής.


Δίνεται μια σύντομη περίληψη του εύρους και του περιεχομένου της ενότητας περιγραφής.

Χειρόγραφη επιστολή του Τζων Καβάφη προς τον Κ. Π. Καβάφη στο recto έξι διαγραμμισμένων φύλλων της εταιρείας R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. Τα φύλλα 2-6 αριθμημένα πάνω δεξιά. Θίγονται οικογενειακά και οικονομικά θέματα, αλλά και η ποίηση, οι γενεαλογικές σημειώσεις του Καβάφη, η πολιτική κατάσταση στην Αλεξάνδρεια και την Αίγυπτο γενικότερα. Σχολιάζονται ποιήματα που έχει συνθέσει ο Τζων.


Προσδιορίζονται οι περιορισμοί στην αναπαραγωγή της ενότητας περιγραφής.
Σημειώνεται /ονται η/οι γλώσσα /ες γραφής του τεκμηρίου.


Δίνονται πληροφορίες για τα ιδιαίτερα φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά του τεκμηρίου.

Γραφή με μελάνι. Υδατόσημο: R. J. Moss & Co. Alexandria. Φθορά φυσικού τεκμηρίου: οξειδώσεις.


Δίνονται πληροφορίες οι οποίες δεν μπορούν να συμπεριληφθούν σε άλλα πεδία.

Η επιμέλεια των μεταγραφών των επιστολών του Ιωάννη Κωνσταντίνου Καβάφη προς τον Κ. Π. Καβάφη πραγματοποιήθηκε για πρώτη φορά από την Κατερίνα Γκίκα και αναρτήθηκε στον επίσημο διαδικτυακό τόπο του Αρχείου Καβάφη.

Διευκρινιστικά και επεξηγηματικά σχόλια φιλολογικού χαρακτήρα για το αρχειακό τεκμήριο.

Γίνεται αναφορά στο έργο «The death of Phocas», ποίημα του Τζων, το οποίο άρεσε στον Κ. Π. Καβάφη. O Τζων αναφέρεται επίσης στο ποίημά του «By the rivers of Babylon». Μιλά για τις επιρροές του από την ανθολογία Passionate Pilgrim, η οποία εκδόθηκε το 1599 και περιέχει, ανάμεσα σε άλλα, και σονέτα του Σαίξπηρ. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται λόγος για τις γενεαλογικές σημειώσεις του Καβάφη. Επίσης, του στέλνει και δύο έργα του Ντίκενς.


Δίνονται λέξεις-κλειδιά με σκοπό τη διευκόλυνση της αναζήτησης πληροφοριών εντός του αρχείου.

Μεταδεδομένα σε μηχαναγνώσιμη μορφή

DOI: 10.26256/ca-sf02-s01-ss02-f20-sf001-0003
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Εισερχόμενη αλληλογραφία Κ. Π. Καβάφη
Εισερχόμενη αλληλογραφία από τον John Καβάφη