•                   [Alexandria] 8th October 1882                             Sunday     My dear Constantine,     Enclosed you will find “Sunset Voices”.     I hope you won’t think it stale nor too “aesthetic”. I am     very far from pleased with it myself, but cannot, for the     life of me, improve upon it.
        What do you think of the following recipe for     the making of a poet?     “To make a poet, take liberally of shimmering sun-     shine, strain through a rhyming dictionary, and add     equal parts of love-sick adjectives, archaic adverbs, and     such other words as you may never have heard of.     Set in a warm place, where the whole may be intimately     mingled, and garnish with long hair, seedy clothing,     and an empty stomach.” ―     Everything in statu quo here, and very little to     animate the dull monotony of our life. Aristides is
        trying hard to succeed, but there is no business doing     for the moment, and nobody inclined to speculate.     The Egyptian Gazette of the day before yesterday     stated, that there will be two Commissions named to     decide upon the question of indemnity. The first one     will be composed of two representatives of the Egyptian     Government, the Commissioners of the Public Debt Office,     the Delegates of Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Russia,     Italy and Greece, and one delegate representing     the secondary powers. This Commission will examine

  •     all claims and decide on them finally. The second     Commission will be named later by Khedivial decree,     and will decide on the best manner to raise the neces-     sary funds to meet payment of such claims as may     have been allowed by the first Commission. In the     meantime, no Commission has been yet appointed, and     the question, I fear, will be long in settling.     It is amusing to note the sudden change in the     tone of Turkish newspapers on Egyptian affairs. A few     weeks ago they were vehement against the domineering
        course pursued by European powers, and loudly bragged     of Pan-islamism and the correct conduct of Araby.     Now “they have set their lyres to another tune”; for they     lament and severely reprimand the foolishness of the     mis-called “National party” ― (which at one time seriously     imperilled the safety of the Ottoman Empire) ― and     eloquently expatiate on the good understanding and     amicable relations existing between England and the Porte:     ergo, the Sultan has ordered the return to Constantinopoli of
        the decoration given by him to Araby. “A friend in     need, is a friend indeed” was never commendable to     the crafty-minded Turks.     I read the other day an entertaining account     of a conversation between Ismail Pasha and a French     correspondent. Ismail has grown stouter and heavier.

  •     He still dresses with great care, and is profuse in     the adornment of his fingers with costly rings. His     beard is carefully trimmed, and his head is getting grey.     He talks French ― says the correspondent ― with amazing     rapidity and much gesticulation; and when animated     invariably closes his left eye. He spoke very bitterly of     his son Tewfik. “I have bowed myself down before the     Sultan for years, on behalf of my son, and I now see     he was not worthy of it.” He went on to say that     Araby was an impostor and a coward, that he never be-     lieved in the National party, and that the best thing for     Egypt now, would be a British protectorate, for ― he     explained ― the hand that would rule Egypt should be
        an iron one. ―     Ninet has been handed over to the Swiss Government for     trial. Nedim ― the orator, the poet, the child of the     people ― has ran away: some think, to Constantinople.     Araby’s trial is expected shortly.     To-day was hanged at Minet el Bassal the notorious     seller of “Arghissous” ― It has been proved that he killed
        no less than five on the 11th June ― One of the witnesses     against him, was Mr. Rouhaud, the Chancelier of the     French Consulate.     Mr. Moss returned from Cairo last Wednesday ― He was present at the     parade of troops and the fête given

  •     in the evening by the Khedive, which, he tells me, was     magnificent, and worthy of the festivals of older times, but     with one exception: ― there were no ladies. The gardens     were illuminated by electric light, the band of the     Scotch guards played beautifully, and the supper was     sumptuous. ―     This is Sunday 10 o’clock in the morning ― I pen these l     ines at my office-desk. There is nothing doing, and     there is no one in the Office but myself and Mr. Moss in     his private, who, like me, is writing a letter. I am     going at noon to lunch with him at “Colline Moss”     for the first time since the house has been looted. Mr.
        Moss says it will be rare fun to lunch in an empty     room with broken mirrors, off a “tablecloth-less” table     and on chairs of different size and make. Besides myself     the guests are, Captain King of the Lifeguards, a Mr. Boyle     and Haselden ― Nicola is always on attendance and he     was told last night to get lots of champagne and ice,     for, although we are now in the month of October, the     weather is excessively warm and damp.     I will leave this letter open till Tuesday in the hope     of receiving one from you. I will then answer the     queries it may contain and give you further news.      Goodbye, dear Constantinus, “More anon”           From                Johannisberg.

  • 10 October 1882    Tuesday 8 pm    Dearest Constantine,    I have received no letter from you yesterday    nor today. I therefore sit down to finish this letter in    time for tomorrow’s mail. Under separate cover I am    writing to mother and Alexander and enclose therein a    letter for Lafontaine from Mr. Moss.    De Martino-Bey has been appointed Chef du Cabinet of    the Khedive: he returned to Cairo a few days ago after a    month’s absence on leave. ― The Duke of Connaught left    Cairo yesterday by special train for Assiout; he intends    visiting Ghirgheh Keneh and El-Aksar, and is accompanied    by Sir Garnet and Sir Edward.    A good many of the troops have already left for home.    The 50th regiment Royal West Kent sailed today for Cyprus.    One battery of Royal Horse Artillery sailed yesterday: also    the 2nd Company of the Royal Engineers and the 6th Battallion    of the Royal Marine light infantry. It is said that some    10,000 will remain in Egypt, say 3,000 in Alexandria    and the remainder in Cairo and the villages.    Mr. Moss has given me some further particulars of the    “March past” at Abdin, Cairo, on Saturday 30th September.    The total result was 17,500 men filed past in 1 hour and    25 minutes. There was a tribune for such guests as    were armed with tickets, and alongside this, the viceregal    box, whither assembled the Khedive, Sir Garnet and Sir Edward.

  •     The band was stationed exactly opposite the tribune, and     was being constantly changed as the different regiments     marched up. They played several English airs, the most     conspicuous for national spirit, being: “Garry Owen” and     “Merry may the Keel now”. The finest division was that     of the Highlanders, they being the de facto conquerors     of Tel-el-Kebir. Their colours were tattered and torn,     and the absence of officers was very noticeable;     all of them wore mourning round their helmets.     It will interest you to hear that an Omnibus Com-     pany has lately started. The carriages are large and roomy
        with wooden seats and tarpaulin covers. They run from     the Square (the Tribunals being their chief station) to     Minet-el-Bassal, Rosetta Gate, and the Marina.     I came across the following passage in reading the     Bible last night: “είπεν ουν αυτώ ο Πιλάτος, Oυκούν βα-     σιλεύς ει συ; απεκρίθη ο Iησούς, Συ λέγεις, ότι βασιλεύς     ειμι εγώ. εγώ εις τούτο γεγέννημαι, και εις τούτο ελήλυθα     εις τον κόσμον, ίνα μαρτυρήσω τη αληθεία· πας ο ων εκ
        της αληθείας ακούει μου της φωνής. λέγει αυτώ ο     Πιλάτος, Tί εστιν αλήθεια;”     “Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou     a King? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a King.     To this end have I been born, and to this end am I come     into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth:     everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice. ― Pilate saith     unto him, What is Truth?”     (St. John xviii 37+38)

  •     What a very singular passage! Pilate’s question remains     unanswered, and thereby a wide field is open to the ima-     gination as to what might have been Christ’s reply.     There is no end to the beauties that lie concealed between     the pages of the Bible. ― By the bye, I had no idea o-     f this when I wrote my poem “Truth”, and singularly e-     nough I used Pilate’s very words “What is truth?”     I had intended to send you a very long letter, but I     find that I can write no more; somehow or other I feel     tired tonight and my head aches in a state of bilious bliss!     So, I’ll say Goodnight, dear Constantine, and     send you my best love and wishes.           Yours devotedly                John

        P.S. Ambrose Ralli arrived last week, alone.                id.

Σημάνσεις Μεταγραφών
Σημάνσεις χειρόγραφου κειμένου
διαγραφές με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αφορούν το χειρόγραφο κείμενο:
Σημάνσεις έντυπου κειμένου
διαγραφές με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αφορούν το έντυπο κείμενο:
Χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις σε έντυπο κείμενο
χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις, προσθήκες, συμπληρώσεις με μολύβι ή μελάνι που αλληλεπιδρούν με το έντυπο κείμενο:
πράσινη γραμματοσειρά
Έντυπο κείμενο
έντυπο κείμενο του εκάστοτε τεκμηρίου, το οποίο αλληλεπιδρά με τις χειρόγραφες σημειώσεις:
κίτρινη γραμματοσειρά
Δυσανάγνωστο/ασαφές κείμενο
χειρόγραφο κείμενο με μολύβι ή μελάνι που είναι ασαφές ή δυσανάγνωστο:
κόκκινη γραμματοσειρά



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GR-OF CA CA-SF02-S01-SS02-F20-SF001-0007 (382)
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Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy
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8, 10/10/1882
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43.5 x 27 cm

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Handwritten letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy on three sheets and two double sheet notepapers of R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. Pages 2-7 are numbered at top right. Detailed update on the political situation in Egypt and the role of the English military forces and politicians. Brief quote in Greek from the Gospel of John.


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Mainly English

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Writing in ink. Watermark: R. J. Moss & Co Alexandria. Physical item wear: oxidations.


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The transcription and editing of the letters of John Constantine Cavafy addressed to C. P. Cavafy was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.

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John Cavafy encloses his poem “Sunset Voices”.


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DOI: 10.26256/ca-sf02-s01-ss02-f20-sf001-0007
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Correspondence of C. P. Cavafy
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Incoming correspondence by John Cavafy