Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy
[Alexandria] 28 August 1883
My dear Constantine,
Yours 20th instant duly to hand: for the tenor of which I am much obliged. Agreeably with your request I shall subscribe to the Queen for six months beginning 1st September.
There is only a fortnightly departure now hence to Constantinopoli, and to this you must attribute my not having written to you last mail.
Immediately on receipt of mother’s and Alexander’s letters, we have busied ourselves with trying to raise money on the Indemnity Claim. Aristides writes you the result.
The mortality here is rapidlydecreasing and ’tis not rash to say, we have seen the worst of the malady. ― The Cotton season is likely to begin earlier this year than usual and people are expected to return shortly: Miani however has not yet turned up. Mr. Moss writes me that he is looking after the Naturalization question but from the tone of his letter I do not think he entertains great hopes of success. The idea is to send a “memorial” to the Secretary of the Home Department, asking him to
make an exception to the rule for once. ― I am very glad to note that Paul is getting better and better: pray remember me to him kindly. ― I can well sympathise with all mother writes about your position in Constantinople at present and entirely agree with her in thinking that the best thing to be done is that the family should return here, as soon as it can well be effected. Though we shall certainly have to labour ― under many difficulties, we shall always manage to scrape along better than we are doing
now. ―
I am not given to exaggerate and trust you will believe me when I state that only the actual want of leisure prevents me from writing to you, more at length.
What with Office cares and family cares, my time is pretty well taken up.
With best love to dear mother, Alexander and Paul
I remain, dear Constantine,
Yours ever affectionately
20.5 x 13 cm
Handwritten letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy on both sides of two small letterheads of R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. Pages 2-4 are numbered. Family and social matters. (Alexandria)
Writing in ink. Physical item wear: tears and holes.
The transcription and editing of the letters of John Constantine Cavafy addressed to C. P. Cavafy was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.