Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy
[Ramleh] 18 December 1883
My dearest Constantine,
I am in receipt of your affectionate letter of the 10th instant which I have read with great interest, particularly so as regards the state of your eyesight: and cannot say how much I am grieved to read the distressing accounts you give me. Learning is mere dross compared to the value of man’s sight, and I earnestly implore you to throw all books and writing to the days, until such time as your ocular organs may be strengthened. About spectacles I don’t know and you must ask better advice than mine, but I should certainly recommend you to refrain from any straining exercise ― As an instance I mention Miani. Your eyes are certainly not as bad as his were ― and yet he can see now as well as I can. And what did the doctors recommend him to restore his fast-going faculty? Simply this: they required of him to abstain all reading and writing for a period of three months and not to expose himself to the broad daylight. I know you have sufficient good sense to feel certain that you will be careful, ― and I further beg of you to cease writing to me: do not think I shall in such case forget you ― I promise faithfully to send you my weekly news as hitherto. ― Your happiness and welfare I have nearer at heart than anything in the world, and it is sadly distressing to me to hear that anything ailsyou.
The Gentleman’s Magazine I posted last week ― The Annual has not yet come to hand. I shall not fail to subscribe you for the first six months of 1884 to the Temple Bar ― in fact I shall do so tomorrow as soon as I get into town, for I write these lines from my room at the Hotel in Ramleh, where I am again staying at Moss’ invitation ― Your various questions about Alexandria Society I have asked Aristides to respond to: he being more “au courant” of such matters than I am.
The Greek parable is very nice and much to my taste. I am now very sorry I sent you “Ossian”, for I am afraid your curiosity for literary works will have the better of your prudence and induce you to read the poems to the detriment of your eyes ― Put the old bard away in a corner. ―
Pray excuse this hurried letter and offer my love to mother, Alexander and Paul
believing me ever
Your very affectionate
44 x 27.5 cm
Handwritten letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy on the first three pages of a double sheet letterhead of R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. The last page is blank. Advice on the problems with the eyes and vision of C. P. Cavafy. (Alexandria)
Writing in ink. Watermark: R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. Physical item wear: oxidation; holes.
The transcription and editing of the letters of John Constantine Cavafy addressed to C. P. Cavafy was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.
Reference to Ossian, which in this case is most probably a poem by John rather than a publication of the known collection of Ossian poems by James Macpherson.