Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy
[Alexandria] 17 April 1883
My dear Constantine,
I am in receipt of both your letters, say 8th and 12th instant: for the contents of which I thank you exceedingly. Your last letter however has given me some anxiety, as to the miscarriage of my letter 3rd instant to mother, covering a remittance of £ 10: but on the assurance of the Post Office that the packet was duly and safely forwarded, I trust to hear by next mail that it has eventually reached your hands. ― Méry’s verses are nice and witty: and your translation of Boileau’s is very artistic: you can write beautifully when you please ― I mean verse, for your prose is unexceptionally good. ― Nothing more has transpired about Hassan Bey Mahmoud’s visit to Constantinopoli: it may not come off. ― Tell mother that Nubar pasha’s claim is for his house in town, also that there is no foundation in the report that the Sinadinos or the Banque Générale have anything to do with the Egyptian loan ― Colvin was and is in treaty with the London Rothschilds ―
At Zervudachi’s Ball all the Greek community was present, and all the Greek “jeunesse dorée” (!!) Glimenopulo, Psathy, Dondia etc etc.
Do you remember anyone of the name of Callicles in Greek history? if so, would you oblige me by giving any particulars about him that may exist in your memory? A venomous article against Gladstonehas lately appeared in Blackwood’s Magazine, and the hero of English liberties is ridiculed in every possible way under this name of Callicles: hence my enquiry ―
Pray excuse this hurried letter, but today is a mail day and I am up to my Eyes in work.
Give my best love to Alexander and Paul
And believe me
Yours ever
44 x 27.5 cm
Handwritten letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy on the first and third pages of a double sheet letterhead of R. J. Moss & Co., Alexandria. The sender refers to family correspondence and comments positively on his brother’s way of writing. He also refers to financial and social matters.
Writing in ink. Watermark: R. J. Moss & Co Alexandria. Physical item wear: oxidations.
The transcription and editing of the letters of John Constantine Cavafy addressed to C. P. Cavafy was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.
Reference to a translation of Boileau by C. P. Cavafy, without mentioning a specific work.