Letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy
Cairo, 24 Απριλίου 1905
ΔευτέραΑγαπητέ μου μικρέ,
Το γράμμα σου 22 τρέχ. έλαβα σήμερα το πρωί, and all my sympathy goes out to you. Ξεύρω, Κωστή μου, that it is not a dangerous thing ― provided the proper prophylactic measures be taken, αλλά σε συλλογίζομαι, my poor boy, for the trouble and inconvenience, and my heart literally aches at the injustice that this fresh trial should be put on to you. Tώρα, μικρέ, you will have to be careful: no physical strains of any sort. You will soon get used to the belt, I know, and even, perhaps, forget that you are wearing one: but you must never allow the absence of any feeling of discomfort to make you less careful as to physical exertion. I feel sure you will be careful. That it is not a dangerous thing, when proper care is taken, is a well-known truth. I have insured two lives, without any increase of premium on account of their ruptures. I know an elderly man, whom you know too, but whose name need not be mentioned here ― who is hale and hearty and has had a rupture for thirty years.― Be of goodcheer, Κωστή μου: be careful, and all may yet be well with us.
Marika cried like a child and blessed you for the kindly feeling of your letter. Ο θάνατος του Mικέ has shattered the poor girl and her health has not improved as it might have done otherwise. Έχω να καταιβώ στην Αλεξάνδρειαν πριν 15 Mαΐου, for two or three days ― and I am trying to arrange αυτό το καταίβασμα διά την ημέρα που θα φεύγουν του Tζαλίκη, that is, on Tuesday or Wednesday next week: so that our seeing each other again, μικρέ, is now within measurable distance.
Ο Θεο. Bούρος είναι εδώ· we go out this afternoon to the cemetery at St. George and Θεο. will return to Alexandria tomorrow.
Ο καιρός από χθες είναι ευχάριστος.
Σε ασπάζεται, Κωστή μου,
ο αγαπών σε
25.5 x 20 cm
Handwritten letter by John Cavafy to C. P. Cavafy, from Cairo, where John Cavafy lives and works. The letter is written in English, on both sides of a letterhead of R. J. Moss & Co. Use of Greek words and phrases. John expresses his sympathy for some health problem experienced by the poet and gives him advice on how to overcome it as soon as possible. He refers to an impending visit of his to Alexandria. (Cairo)
Writing in pencil. Indiscernible watermark. Minor wears.
The transcription and editing of the letters of John Constantine Cavafy addressed to C. P. Cavafy was first carried out by Katerina Ghika; said transcriptions were subsequently uploaded to the official website of the Cavafy Archive.