The Cavafy Library includes 966 books and other printed items that have been saved from the poet’s personal collection. The transcription and cataloguing of the C. P. Cavafy Library were undertaken by Michaela Karampini-Iatrou and the relevant study was published for the first time by Hermes Publishing House (2003). The detailed documentation and digitization of the printed items in the Cavafy Library were completed by the Onassis Foundation in 2024. With regards to the digitization of the printed items, selected parts of each item were digitized in order to highlight the unique character of the collection and the poet as a reader, and in particular, front covers, key contextual information, handwritten notes and dedications made by the poet and other readers as well as any bookplates, notes and inserts, if any. Furthermore, pages in the printed items were digitized that pertained to the poet’s work, such as poems by C. P. Cavafy as well as studies or references to Cavafy and his family.