Records the unique identifier that has been appointed to the unit of description, in order to facilitate the exchange of information on an international level.
GR-OF CA CL.8.276
The accurate and full title of the item.
Théâtre complet. Avec des remarques littéraires et un choix de notes classiques par M. Félix Lemaistre, précédé d’une notice sur la vie et le théâtre de Racine par L.-S. Auger.
Identifies the name of the author, as referenced in the item.
Identifies the name of the editor, as referenced in the item.
Identifies the name of the publisher, as referenced in the item.
Identifies the name of the series, as referenced in the item.
Collection des meilleurs ouvrages français et étrangers
Records the date of publication of the item.
Records the place of publication, in its current form.
Specifies the format of a given item. Further typological classification has been avoided due to the heterogeneity of the items and the difficulty to define them.
Identifies the language(s) in which the content of the item was written.
The bibliographical description of each item, recording the description of the pages in each book and describing the endsheets at the front and back, following the standard of the “Bibliology Workshop Philippos Iliou”.
18.5 x 12 cm; 4 s.p. + ΧΙΙ p. + 740 p. + 36 p. + 2 s.p., l. 1 bookplate CPC on recto and note of year “1906” in ink on verso, l. 2 half-title page on recto, l. 3 printed note with information about the publication on verso, p. [II] illustration, p. [III] title page, p. [V]-XII “Notice sur la vie et le Thèâtre de Racine” by L.-S. Auger. Pencil marks on p. 157, 465, 472. On p. 739-740 “Table”, p. 1-36 appendix with advertisements. Titles of the series on the back cover.
Records the bookplate, as it appears in the item.
Record whether or not there are reading traces inside the item.
Clarifying and explanatory notes about the physical traits of the item and/or its link to publications of Cavafy’s poems, the poet’s archive etc.
Advertisements on the endsheets at the back are uncut.
Key-words aiming to facilitate searching for information within the library.
Identifies the name of persons relevant to the item.
Identifies the name of persons relevant to the item.
Records all companies, printing shops, bookshops, journals etc. relevant to the item.
Records all companies, printing shops, bookshops, journals etc. relevant to the item.
Identifies the wider theme to which a given item belongs.
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